
Christmas Cactus
About Christmas
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Why should I buy a real tree? Better for the environment!

There are several reasons that a real tree is more eco-friendly than an artificial tree, but the primary reason is because an artificial tree is non-biodegradable. Most artificial trees are made from Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) plastic that will sit in landfills forever. Also, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, when produced or burned, artificial trees release dioxins that can cause liver cancer and developmental problems.

Facts about real trees and the environment:
• Every acre of Christmas trees in production produces the daily oxygen requirement for 18 people.
• Tree farms help to stabilize the soil, protect water supplies and provide wildlife habitat.
• The industry points to the reduction of carbon dioxide through Christmas tree farming, thus helping with the battle against global warming.
• Growing Christmas trees provides a habitat for wildlife.
• Recycled trees have been used to make sand and soil erosion barriers and been placed in ponds for fish shelter.
• Christmas trees remove dust and pollen from the air.
• Artificial trees will last for six years in your home, but for centuries in a landfill.
• 59 percent of real Christmas trees harvested are recycled in community programs.
• Christmas trees are often grown on land unsuitable for other crops.
• Real trees are “made” in America.

What do I do if my tree is too big to fit in the stand?

If your tree is too big to fit in the stand, you will have to get another stand. To avoid this, inspect your stand before you leave the house to purchase your Christmas tree. Make note of how big a trunk your stand can handle. Or better yet, bring your stand to the lot or store.
Avoid whittling the sides of the trunk down to fit a stand. The outer layers of wood are the most efficient in taking up water and should not be removed. Once the bark has been removed and the cambium layer has been destroyed, the tree will not absorb moisture. The bark is the physiological component that will absorb moisture out of the bowl and keep the tree fresh.
Remember that to display a tree indoors, use a stand with an adequate water holding capacity for the tree. As a general rule, stands should provide 1 quart of water per inch of stem diameter. Devices are available that help maintain a constant water level in the stand.

Do I put anything special in the water?

No. All the myths of tree preservative are not proven. Care for your tree with fresh water, that’s all is required.

Am I allergic to my Christmas tree?

The dust or pollens settled on your 6’ tree (for example) takes 8 years to grow in the fields, is the most likely, reason. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, evergreen pollens, with their thick, waxy outer coating, have never been considered a significant allergen, and are unlikely to cause a reaction.
Hosing the tree down with water before taking it into the house will help reduce or eliminate the allergens on the tree. You can also use a spray bottle with a mild dish detergent like Dawn (1/4 tsp is plenty) to break down any settlements on the tree. Just mix the Dawn in a spray bottle, mist down the tree, and then hose it off.

How do I water a tree?

The tree will need adequate water. Displaying trees in water in a traditional reservoir type stand is the most effective way of maintaining their freshness and minimizing needle loss problems. You do not put hot water in the stand initially.
• The temperature of the water used to fill the stand is not important and does not affect water uptake.
• Check the stand daily to make sure that the level of water does not go below the base of the tree. With many stands, there can still be water in the stand even though the base of the tree is no longer submerged in water.